Here we are, in the month of August where happiness happens! It’s a thing, believe it or not, during this month. In fact, it so happens to happen, on August 8th - Happiness Happens Day! Have you ever heard of it?
Neither had I but that’s what my articles are all about, learning new small trivial things to help us enjoy life. And I’d say, a month of happiness, is what we all need about now! So, what is this Happiness Happens Day?
It was founded in 1999 by a society called the ‘Secret Society of Happy People’. I’m telling you, this is all true! Their goal, is to encourage members to recognize their moments and think about happiness in their daily life. They set aside August 8th, as a day to just let happiness happen!
I have to admit that sounds pretty refreshing right about now! And really, what better month to have it? Summer is in full swing, still plenty of time to enjoy the sun and fun. It’s easy to see, how happiness could happen! So, what makes you happy?
Can a premeditated day of happiness make you happy? Or, are you a spontaneous type of happiness person? It’s been said that it takes work to be happy. Take for example, a simple small smile. It takes ten muscles verses the six muscles for a small frown. However, since humans tend to smile a lot, these muscles can be stronger, making it actually easier to smile.
A little bit of work or not, what result is that smile? Studies have proven that a smile can truly be contagious! Humans instinctively mimic other people’s emotional expressions. Giving us the ability to empathize with others.
If you see someone smiling, are you not drawn in by smiling back? Such a simple little jester yet by mimicking it back, we ourselves release all kinds of things like, neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. Which simply means, it makes us happy!
So, I guess for our happiness to happen, we need to arm ourselves with a smile! Simple enough, what’s next? How about surrounding ourselves with others that make us happy? This can be family, friends, a significant other, pets and yes - even strangers!
We all have that favorite coffee place we like, favorite cashier, friendly bus driver, helpful bank teller, you get the idea. The people who are strangers but are not. People we may see randomly but somehow always make us smile. You know who I am talking about, ones we may take for granted but when we stop and think about it ...are ones who provide us with brief moments of happiness. Why not try to fit them into this month of happiness, to help set the mood?
Then of course, there are our pets! A tried and true ingredient for happiness! Whether you are a dog or cat person, perhaps a bird or fish, even reptile or other furry little creatures – their unconditional love always makes us happy! And if pets are not something you may have, a trip to the pet store, shelter or even the zoo, can still easily allow our happiness to happen!
Next up, I would think would be our environment. Sure, we’d all be happy to be in our dream environment! Whether it be on a beach somewhere or a remote cabin in the woods. Or, perhaps you prefer the hustle and bustle of a new city or even an amusement park? This is where our premeditated happiness would apply. Planning a day, week, or even the entire month away, to a place that makes you happy. Just thinking about it, brings a smile to me!
But if for some reason, that is not within your reach, finding a closer happy place - may be easier than you think! Simply think of a place that makes you feel happy. Maybe, it’s a particular store you like to browse, a farmer’s market searching for the perfect produce for dinner, a stroll in the park or simply a relaxing bath. You may think all those would fall into the premeditated version as well, but not necessarily. Any one of these, could be done spontaneously to set the happiness mood!
Point is, happiness can happen - if you just let it and then, acknowledge it! I think most of us, have happy moments throughout the day but stress sometimes overshadows those moments and we quickly forget about them. This month, let’s try to focus on the happy moments and let stress take a backseat for a change. What kind of National Days do we have this month to help us with our happiness?
August 7th – Sister’s Day – A bit of confusion on this one, some say its August 5th while others say it August 7th …whichever the case it is, at least you have two days to try to meet up with Sis and have a happy day!
August 9th - Book Lovers Day – I thought this one applied since our audience obviously love to read so… what better way to dedicate a day to read? Catch up on some of those magazine articles you may have missed (wink wink) or treat yourself to a new book. (I may know a few, you may like) Or simply take the time, to finish the one you’ve started. Either way, reading can bring a smile to you which in turn can make you happy!
August 15th - Relaxation Day – Now, this is a day that certainly can make us happy! Whether it be a massage, having your hair done, getting a pedicure, taking long baths, reading… ahhh the list goes on and on, to what we can do to relax! Which in turn, easily allows happiness to happen!
August 21st - Senior Citizen Day – A day to celebrate our seniors and truly, they should be celebrated! For how many seniors in your life, have given you so much happiness throughout your own life? What with their wonderful stories, their shared recipes, and more importantly that precious smile of theirs when we, make time for them! Honor them, celebrate them, I guarantee you – making them happy, will bring you happiness!
August 26th - Women’s Equality Day – This is a day ALL women should be happy! For it is this day, that commemorates the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote in 1920. In 1971, this day became recognized as a National Holiday. For all we have done and for all we still have to do, let us be happy - for this is OUR day!
In closing, I leave you with a virtual smile :) in hopes that your human nature will kick in and bring a smile back which in turn will put you on track, of letting happiness happen – enjoy!