Tammy's Tidbits Is Born
National Holidays
National Holidays
National Days - what are they? A glance at your calendar and sometimes you will see an odd thing being acknowledged for the day but you pay it no mind. Seriously, do we need yet another Hallmark induced holiday?
Or... are we missing a perfect opportunity for fun, fresh new ideas that not only help us grow as a person but a fun tidbit. Something we can use, to market our own product or simply use as a discussion over dinner or perhaps, even dinner itself?
Exactly what is National Day? First of all, the United States only recognizes 10 National Days which are ones like Independence Day, Christmas etc. Then you have National Observance Days like Mother’s Day, Flag Day, etc - there are 44 of those. A presidential proclamation is usually a one day occurrence but the public may pick them up and use to sell a product. Which in turn coins the phrase to most, a Hallmark created holiday.
But bear with me... what with work, school, just everyday living, we find ourselves too easily falling into a rut. Who has time to come up with cute and clever ideas to promote ourselves or even entertain the family at night during dinner?
Just having dinner where the whole family is gathered for the night, at the same time, is a chore in itself! Asking the same questions on how their day was and talking about yours, is the main course and to be expected.
But what to do when the lull comes? That dreaded silence where you know everyone, including yourself, is wondering what is on social media right now! The rule of no phones at the table was a deal you all agreed to but still hard to get completely out of your head. I’m not saying that mentioning what National Day is, will solve the entire lull but it may take a few seconds away.
Whatever the case may be, what can we do with National Days? I admit, I myself never gave National Days a passing thought. Sure, once in a while I may have heard someone say it was National something or other day and I’d chuckle but that was pretty much it.
Then I was trying to come up with something cute and eye catching that I could put on my Facebook page. Which in turn, would work for my Instagram account. And then, even throw on my Slasher app. could that even be possible?
It started out innocently enough, by seeing someone else post that it was National Puzzle Day. Instantly, I thought of a scary movie to coincide with the day and posted it as a suggestion. A cute way, to help with the “celebration” of the day.
Being an author of books in the horror genre, it got me thinking that maybe there would be other National days I could use. You know, to help me with the chore of making my social media interesting, different, and hopefully stand out… less of a struggle! Let alone, an interesting conversation starter during dinner!
On a quest, I went to search the ole reliable internet. Surprisingly enough, within seconds, I found calendars listing each National Day! Not only with one idea but actually each day had several choices, for me to pick and choose!
Excited, I would see what National Day it was going to be and then go hunt for a movie (in my case a scary one) that may coincide with the day. I then would simply use it for all my social accounts, as a suggestion to help with the celebration. Granted, some days are harder than others to make fit but it became like a game to me - to make it fit no matter how bazaar or a stretch! It is my goal, it is my challenge and it is fun!
Now, how could this possibly work for you? Think about it, a wealth of fresh new daily ideas for you to draw from, right at your own fingertips! Use and abuse them! It not only makes it easier on you but interesting for your audience, whether it be social or family.
Think outside the box, in my case I used it for my horror based audience. In your case, the options are endless. You need only to apply it for your needs. As a wife/mom it can be a fresh idea for dinner. So many of National Days are food related, what better way to spice up dinner by using the excuse that it is National such and such day after all, what I fixed for dinner will be our celebration for it! Meanwhile, it just made your life a whole lot easier trying to come up with something different to eat!
As for promoting, have a product to sell? Tie it either to your product or something related to your product. In my case, scary movies were quick and easy to tie to my social accounts and audience. I would simply type in search for scary movies that are related to one of the things listed for that National Day. Think about how many other movie options you have for your own needs, anywhere from romance to comedies.
And yet, movies are not the only thing to use. If you want to be creative, make a meme for the day. Or, simply acknowledge it in a post, when nothing else comes to mind. It’s such an easy source of information, to get you to interact with your audience.
You can go in so many directions with it. Whether you want to take the high road and use it to enlighten people or the low road to entertain, it is your choice. After all its National Day and you are just doing your part to help acknowledge it. Even leave an open ended sentence suggesting additional thoughts, you’ll be surprised at the interaction you will get.
For the month of April I selected 5 random National Days to whet your appetite, along with some suggestions to get you creative juices flowing... careful, it can become addictive!
Did You Know...
April 1st... Obviously is April fool’s day (I already have the scary April Fool’s movie in mind for me) but also this year it’s also Childhelp National day of Hope (a good thing to enlighten) another choice is, it is National Sourdough Bread Day (good compliment for dinner)
April 6th... National Student Athlete Day (a good one for teachers or moms with kids in sports) and yet it is also National Carmel Popcorn Day, not necessarily good for dinner but you can snack on it while watching my movie selection - now see this is where the stretch is... it is also National Tartan Day - I had no clue to what a tartan even was, so I looked it up (there’s your enlightenment, lol) it is a crisscross patterned cloth… uhm ok ...so no movies on that HOWEVER there is a production company named Palissades “Tartan” that produce scary movies like ‘A Tale of Two Sisters’... see, you can make it work. ;)
April 13th... National Scrabble Day, love that game! (Maybe take a picture of your product spelled out on a scrabble board?) National Peach Cobbler Day (ahh perfect excuse for dessert!)
April 20th... National Look Alike Day (see, I really like this one because what better way to promote we all are the same?) National Cheddar Fries Day (seriously, serve this with dinner and everybody is celebrating!)
April 27th... National Devil Dog Day (ok this is going to be an easy stretch for my audience, lol) but you could do the little cake OR you could enlighten by telling how Devil Dogs was a term German Officers used to describe the ferocity Marines used to fight.
As you can clearly see, the options are endless! More importantly, have fun with it! Everyone loves a celebration, even if you only use it for yourself. Treat yourself to National Day, for every day can be a celebration!
Or... are we missing a perfect opportunity for fun, fresh new ideas that not only help us grow as a person but a fun tidbit. Something we can use, to market our own product or simply use as a discussion over dinner or perhaps, even dinner itself?
Exactly what is National Day? First of all, the United States only recognizes 10 National Days which are ones like Independence Day, Christmas etc. Then you have National Observance Days like Mother’s Day, Flag Day, etc - there are 44 of those. A presidential proclamation is usually a one day occurrence but the public may pick them up and use to sell a product. Which in turn coins the phrase to most, a Hallmark created holiday.
But bear with me... what with work, school, just everyday living, we find ourselves too easily falling into a rut. Who has time to come up with cute and clever ideas to promote ourselves or even entertain the family at night during dinner?
Just having dinner where the whole family is gathered for the night, at the same time, is a chore in itself! Asking the same questions on how their day was and talking about yours, is the main course and to be expected.
But what to do when the lull comes? That dreaded silence where you know everyone, including yourself, is wondering what is on social media right now! The rule of no phones at the table was a deal you all agreed to but still hard to get completely out of your head. I’m not saying that mentioning what National Day is, will solve the entire lull but it may take a few seconds away.
Whatever the case may be, what can we do with National Days? I admit, I myself never gave National Days a passing thought. Sure, once in a while I may have heard someone say it was National something or other day and I’d chuckle but that was pretty much it.
Then I was trying to come up with something cute and eye catching that I could put on my Facebook page. Which in turn, would work for my Instagram account. And then, even throw on my Slasher app. could that even be possible?
It started out innocently enough, by seeing someone else post that it was National Puzzle Day. Instantly, I thought of a scary movie to coincide with the day and posted it as a suggestion. A cute way, to help with the “celebration” of the day.
Being an author of books in the horror genre, it got me thinking that maybe there would be other National days I could use. You know, to help me with the chore of making my social media interesting, different, and hopefully stand out… less of a struggle! Let alone, an interesting conversation starter during dinner!
On a quest, I went to search the ole reliable internet. Surprisingly enough, within seconds, I found calendars listing each National Day! Not only with one idea but actually each day had several choices, for me to pick and choose!
Excited, I would see what National Day it was going to be and then go hunt for a movie (in my case a scary one) that may coincide with the day. I then would simply use it for all my social accounts, as a suggestion to help with the celebration. Granted, some days are harder than others to make fit but it became like a game to me - to make it fit no matter how bazaar or a stretch! It is my goal, it is my challenge and it is fun!
Now, how could this possibly work for you? Think about it, a wealth of fresh new daily ideas for you to draw from, right at your own fingertips! Use and abuse them! It not only makes it easier on you but interesting for your audience, whether it be social or family.
Think outside the box, in my case I used it for my horror based audience. In your case, the options are endless. You need only to apply it for your needs. As a wife/mom it can be a fresh idea for dinner. So many of National Days are food related, what better way to spice up dinner by using the excuse that it is National such and such day after all, what I fixed for dinner will be our celebration for it! Meanwhile, it just made your life a whole lot easier trying to come up with something different to eat!
As for promoting, have a product to sell? Tie it either to your product or something related to your product. In my case, scary movies were quick and easy to tie to my social accounts and audience. I would simply type in search for scary movies that are related to one of the things listed for that National Day. Think about how many other movie options you have for your own needs, anywhere from romance to comedies.
And yet, movies are not the only thing to use. If you want to be creative, make a meme for the day. Or, simply acknowledge it in a post, when nothing else comes to mind. It’s such an easy source of information, to get you to interact with your audience.
You can go in so many directions with it. Whether you want to take the high road and use it to enlighten people or the low road to entertain, it is your choice. After all its National Day and you are just doing your part to help acknowledge it. Even leave an open ended sentence suggesting additional thoughts, you’ll be surprised at the interaction you will get.
For the month of April I selected 5 random National Days to whet your appetite, along with some suggestions to get you creative juices flowing... careful, it can become addictive!
Did You Know...
April 1st... Obviously is April fool’s day (I already have the scary April Fool’s movie in mind for me) but also this year it’s also Childhelp National day of Hope (a good thing to enlighten) another choice is, it is National Sourdough Bread Day (good compliment for dinner)
April 6th... National Student Athlete Day (a good one for teachers or moms with kids in sports) and yet it is also National Carmel Popcorn Day, not necessarily good for dinner but you can snack on it while watching my movie selection - now see this is where the stretch is... it is also National Tartan Day - I had no clue to what a tartan even was, so I looked it up (there’s your enlightenment, lol) it is a crisscross patterned cloth… uhm ok ...so no movies on that HOWEVER there is a production company named Palissades “Tartan” that produce scary movies like ‘A Tale of Two Sisters’... see, you can make it work. ;)
April 13th... National Scrabble Day, love that game! (Maybe take a picture of your product spelled out on a scrabble board?) National Peach Cobbler Day (ahh perfect excuse for dessert!)
April 20th... National Look Alike Day (see, I really like this one because what better way to promote we all are the same?) National Cheddar Fries Day (seriously, serve this with dinner and everybody is celebrating!)
April 27th... National Devil Dog Day (ok this is going to be an easy stretch for my audience, lol) but you could do the little cake OR you could enlighten by telling how Devil Dogs was a term German Officers used to describe the ferocity Marines used to fight.
As you can clearly see, the options are endless! More importantly, have fun with it! Everyone loves a celebration, even if you only use it for yourself. Treat yourself to National Day, for every day can be a celebration!